STORYTELLING: engineers can

Engineers have two problems. One, they are misunderstood and undervalued in the world. Two, many are notoriously reluctant to promote their amazing achievements.

Add to this that fewer young people are stepping forward into the engineering profession, leaving the UK’s world-leading companies struggling to find engineers of the future.

Changing these perceptions is a massive task that has to begin in small ways.  As a leading engineering membership body, the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) asked Ideal Worldsmiths to help promote the worth of engineers and engineering through storytelling.

We asked Ideal Worldsmiths to work with our Fellows to bring out their stories about how engineers make the world work. Not an easy task. Engineers aren’t used to the limelight. But many put aside time to work in schools, so there are stories to tell. Now we’ve got some fabulous, upbeat video templates that we can use across various media. More engineers are stepping forward to promote the value of engineering to the world.
Viki Bell, Head of Marketing for Membership and Professional Development, The IET